Recordings made Thursday, August 28, 1952

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= Recordings are available for online listening. = Recordings were issued from this master. No recordings issued from other masters.

CompanyMatrix NumberSizeFirst Take DateTitlePrimary PerformerDescription
DeccaNA 28208/28/1952I was the bridesmaidTabby West  
DeccaNA 28198/28/1952You gave me a hard way to goTabby West  
Decca833368/28/1952Please don't pass me byStomp Gordon  
Decca833358/28/1952Oooh eyesStomp Gordon  
Decca833348/28/1952Fat Mama bluesStomp Gordon  
Decca833338/28/1952Damp rag-1Stomp Gordon  
Decca833168/28/1952ThumbelinaGuy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians  
Decca833158/28/1952Wonderful CopenhagenGuy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians  
Decca833148/28/1952Santa Claus is comin' to townGuy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians  
Decca833138/28/1952Jingle bellsGuy Lombardo and his Royal Canadians  


Discography of American Historical Recordings, s.v. "Recordings made on Thursday, August 28, 1952," accessed November 22, 2024,

Recordings made on Thursday, August 28, 1952. (2024). In Discography of American Historical Recordings. Retrieved November 22, 2024, from

Recordings made on Thursday, August 28, 1952." Discography of American Historical Recordings. UC Santa Barbara Library, 2024. Web. 22 November 2024.


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